Last updated in 2018. For current updates, see my Google scholar page
In press
- Rine Nakanishi, Sethuraman Sankaran, Leo Grady, Jenifer Malpeso, Razik Yousfi, Kazuhiro Osawa, Indre Ceponiene, Negin Nazarat, Sina Rahmani, Kendall Kissel, Eranthi Jayawardena, Christopher Dailing, Christopher Zarins, Bon-Kwon Koo, James K. Min, Charles A. Taylor, Matthew J. Budoff, “Automated estimation of image quality for coronary computed tomographic angiography using machine learning”, Accepted to European Radiology, 2018.
- Joo Myung Lee, Gilwoo Choi, Bon-Kwon Koo, Doyeon Hwang, Jonghanne Park, Jinlong Zhang, Kyung-Jin Kim, Yaliang Tong, Hyun Jin Kim, Leo Grady, Joon-Hyung Doh, Chang-Wook Nam, Eun-Seok Shin, Young-Seok Cho, Su-Yeon Choi, Eun Ju Chun, Jin-Ho Choi, Bjarne L. Norgaard, Evald Christiansen, Koen Niemen, Hiromasa Otake, Martin Penicka, Bernard de Bruyne, Takashi Kubo, Takashi Akasaka, Jagat Narula, Pamela S. Douglas, Charles A. Taylor and Hyo-Soo Kim, “Identification of High Risk Plaques for Acute Coronary Syndrome Using Coronary CT Angiography and Computational Fluid Dynamics”, Accepted to JACC Imaging, 2018.
Leo Grady and Jonathan R. Polimeni, “Discrete Calculus: Applied Analysis on Graphs for Computational Science”, Springer. August 2010. PDF, BIB
Olivier Lézoray and Leo Grady, “Image Processing and Analysis with Graphs: Theory and Practice”, CRC Press, 2012. BIB
- Kenzo Uzu, Hiromasa Otake, Gilwoo Choi, Takayoshi Toba, Hyun Jin Kim, Arjun Roy, Michiel Schaap, Leo Grady, Masahito Kawata, Toshiro Shinke, Charles Anthony Taylor and Ken-ichi Hirata, “Lumen Boundaries Extracted from Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography on Computed Fractional Flow Reserve (FFRCT): Validation with Optical Coherence Tomography”, EuroIntervention, April 2018
- Noha El-Zehiry and Leo Grady, “Contrast Driven Elastica for Image Segmentation”, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, Vol. 25, No. 6, pp. 2508-2518, June 2016. PDF
- Sethuraman Sankaran, Leo Grady and Charles A Taylor, “Impact of geometric uncertainty on hemodynamic simulations using machine learning”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 297, pp. 167-190, Dec. 2015. PDF
- Sethuraman Sankaran, Leo Grady and Charles A Taylor, “Fast computation of hemodynamic sensitivity to lumen segmentation uncertainty”, IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging, 2015. PDF
- Herve Lombaert, Leo Grady, Xavier Pennec, Nicholas Ayache and Farida Cheriet, “Spectral Log-Demons – Diffeomorphic Image Registration with Very Large Deformations”, International Journal of Computer Vision, Vol. 107, pp. 254-271, 2014. PDF
- Daniel S. Weller, Jonathan R. Polimeni, Leo Grady, Lawrence L. Wald, Elfar Adalsteinsson and Vivek K. Goyal, “Sparsity Promoting Calibration for GRAPPA Accelerated Parallel MRI Reconstruction”, IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging, Vol. 32, No. 7, pp. 1325-1335, July 2013. PDF
- Camille Couprie, Leo Grady, Laurent Najman, Jean-Christophe Pesquet and Hugues Talbot, “Dual Constrained TV-Based Regularization on Graphs”, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, Vol 6, No. 3, pp. 1246-1273, 2013. PDF
- Noha El-Zehiry and Leo Grady, “Combinatorial Optimization of the Discretized Multiphase Mumford-Shah Functional”, International Journal of Computer Vision, Vol 104, No. 3, pp. 270-285, Sept. 2013. PDF
- Herve Lombaert, Leo Grady, Jonathan Polimeni and Farida Cheriet. “FOCUSR: Feature Oriented Correspondence using Spectral Regularization – A Method for Accurate Surface Matching”, IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol 35, No. 9, pp. 2143-2160, Sept. 2013. PDF
- Jason W. Bohland, Sara Saperstein, Francisco Pereira, Jeremy Rapin and Leo Grady, “Network, anatomical, and non-imaging measures for the prediction of ADHD diagnosis in individual subjects”. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, Vol. 6, Dec. 2012. PDF, BIB
- Daniel S. Weller, Jonathan R. Polimeni, Leo Grady, Lawrence L. Wald, Elfar Adalsteinsson and Vivek K. Goyal, “Denoising Sparse Images from GRAPPA using the Nullspace Method (DESIGN)”, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Vol. 68, No. 6, pp. 1176-1189, Dec. 2011. PDF, BIB
- Parmeshwar Khurd, Leo Grady, Rafiou Oketokoun, Hari Sundar, Tejas Gajera, Summer Gibbs-Strauss, John V. Frangioni and Ali Kamen, “Global Error Minimization in Image Mosaicing Using Graph Connectivity and its Applications in Microscopy”, Journal of Pathology Informatics, Vol. 2, No. 8, Oct. 2011. PDF, BIB
- Kambiz Frounchi, Lionel C. Briand, Leo Grady, Yvan Labiche and Rajesh Subramanyan, “Automating Image Segmentation Verification and Validation by Learning Test Oracles”, Information and Software Technology, Vol. 53, No. 12, pp. 1337-1348, Dec. 2011. PDF, BIB
- Camille Couprie, Leo Grady, Hugues Talbot and Laurent Najman, “Combinatorial Continuous Maximum Flow”, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 905-930, 2011. PDF, BIB
- Camille Couprie, Leo Grady, Laurent Najman and Hugues Talbot, “Power Watersheds: A Unifying Graph-Based Optimization Framework”, IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 33, No. 7, pp. 1384-1399, July 2011. PDF, BIB, Code
- Leo Grady, “Minimal Surfaces Extend Shortest Path Segmentation Methods to 3D”, IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 321-334, Feb. 2010. PDF, BIB
- Leo Grady and Christopher Alvino, “The Piecewise Smooth Mumford-Shah Functional on an Arbitrary Graph”, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, Vol. 18, No. 11, pp. 2547-2561, Nov. 2009 PDF, BIB, MATLAB Code
- Leo Grady, “Random Walks for Image Segmentation”, IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 28, No. 11, pp. 1768-1783, Nov., 2006. PDF, BIB, MATLAB Code. Another (3rd party) implementation of the random walker algorithm with 3D support is available here.
- Leo Grady and Eric L. Schwartz, “Isoperimetric Partitioning: A new algorithm for graph partitioning”, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 1844-1866, June 2006. PDF, BIB
- Leo Grady and Eric L. Schwartz, “Isoperimetric Graph Partitioning for Image Segmentation”, IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 469-475, March 2006. PDF, BIB, MATLAB Code
Book chapters
- Leo Grady, “Targeted Image Segmentation Using Graph Methods”, in “Image Processing and Analysis with Graphs”, ed. Olivier Lezoray and Leo Grady, CRC Press 2012. PDF, BIB
- Olivier Lezoray and Leo Grady, “Graph Theory Concepts and Definitions used in Image Processing”, in “Image Processing and Analysis with Graphs”, ed. Olivier Lezoray and Leo Grady, CRC Press 2012.
- Dheeraj Singaraju, Leo Grady, Ali Kemal Sinop and René Vidal, “Continuous Valued MRFs for Image Segmentation”, In “Markov Random Fields for Vision and Image Processing”, pp. 127-142, ed. Andrew Blake, Pushmeet Kohli, Carsten Rother, MIT Press 2011 PDF, BIB
- Leo Grady, Yiyong Sun and James Williams, “Three Interactive Graph-Based Segmentation Methods Applied to Cardiovascular Imaging”, In “Mathematical Models in Computer Vision: The Handbook”, pp. 453-469, ed. Nikos Paragios, Yunmei Chen, Oliver Faugeras, Springer 2006 PDF, BIB
Top-Tier Conferences with Full Papers (refereed)
- Sethuraman Sankaran, Michiel Schaap, Stanley C. Hunley, James K. Min, Charles A. Taylor and Leo Grady, “HALE: Healthy Area of Lumen Estimation for Vessel Stenosis Quantification”, Proc. of MICCAI, 2016. PDF
- Sethuraman Sankaran, Leo Grady and Charles Taylor, “Real-time Sensitivity Analysis of Blood Flow Simulations to Lumen Segmentation Uncertainty”, Proc. of MICCAI, 2014 (oral presentation). PDF
- Noha El-Zehiry, Michelle Yan, Sara Good, Tong Fang, S. Kevin Zhou, Leo Grady, “Learning the Manifold of Quality Ultrasound Acquisition”, Proc. of MICCAI, Vol. 8149, pp. 122-130, 2013. PDF
- Herve Lombaert, Leo Grady, Xavier Pennec, Nicholas Ayache, Farida Cheriet, “Spectral Demons – Image Registration via Global Spectral Correspondence”, Proc. of ECCV, pp. 30-44, 2012. PDF, BIB
- Leo Grady, Vivek Singh, Timo Kohlberger, Christopher Alvino, Claus Bahlmann, “Automatic Segmentation of Unknown Objects, with Application to Baggage Security”, Proc. of ECCV, pp. 430-444, 2012. PDF, BIB
- Timo Kohlberger, Vivek Singh, Christopher Alvino, Claus Bahlmann, Leo Grady, “Evaluating Segmentation Error Without Ground Truth”, Proc. of MICCAI, Vol. 7510, pp. 528-536, 2012. PDF, BIB
- Maxwell D. Collins, Jia Xu, Leo Grady, Vikas Singh, “Random Walks based Multi-Image Segmentation: Quasiconvexity Results and GPU-based Solutions”, Proc. CVPR 2012. PDF, BIB
- Leo Grady, Marie-Pierre Jolly and Aaron Seitz, “Segmentation from a Box”, Proc. ICCV 2011, pp. 367-374. PDF, BIB, Images
- Leo Grady, Saurabh Datta, Oliver Kutter, Christophe Duong, Wolfgang Wein, Stephen H. Little, Stephen R. Igo, Shizhen Liu and Mani Vannan, “Regurgitation Quantification Using 3D PISA in Volume Echocardiography”, Proc. MICCAI 2011, pp. 512-519. PDF, BIB
- Herve Lombaert, Leo Grady, Jonathan R. Polimeni and Farida Cheriet, “Fast Brain Matching with Spectral Correspondence”, Proc. of IPMI 2011, pp. 660-673, 2011. PDF, BIB
- Noha El-Zehiry and Leo Grady, “Fast Global Optimization of Curvature”, Proc. of CVPR 2010. PDF, BIB. (Extension to weighted curvature posted as preprint on arXiv Preprint)
- Camille Couprie, Leo Grady, Laurent Najman and Hugues Talbot, “Power Watersheds: A New Image Segmentation Framework Extending Graph Cuts, Random Walker and Optimal Spanning Forest”, Proc. of ICCV 2009, pp. 731-738. PDF, BIB, Code
- Marie-Pierre Jolly, Hui Xue, Leo Grady and Jens Guehring “Combining Registration and Minimum Surfaces for the Segmentation of the Left Ventricle in Cardiac Cine MR Images”, Proc. of MICCAI 2009, pp. 910-918. PDF, BIB
- Dheeraj Singaraju, Leo Grady and René Vidal, “P-Brush: Continuous Valued MRFs with Normed Pairwise Distributions for Image Segmentation”, Proc. of CVPR 2009, June 22-24, 2009. PDF, BIB
- Leo Grady and Christopher Alvino, “Reformulating and Optimizing the Mumford-Shah Functional on a Graph – A Faster, Lower Energy Solution”, Proc. of ECCV 2008, pp. 248-261, PDF, BIB, MATLAB Code
- Leo Grady, “A Lattice-Preserving Multigrid Method for Solving the Inhomogeneous Poisson Equations used in Image Analysis”, Proc. of ECCV 2008, pp. 252-264, PDF, BIB
- Leo Grady and Marie-Pierre Jolly, “Weights and Topology: A Study of the Effects of Graph Construction on 3D Image Segmentation”, Proc. of MICCAI, vol. 1, 2008, pp. 153-161. PDF, BIB, Poster (PPT)
- Leo Grady and Ali Kemal Sinop, “Fast Approximate Random Walker Segmentation Using Eigenvector Precomputation”, Proc. of CVPR, 2008. PDF, BIB, Poster (PPT)
- Dheeraj Singaraju, Leo Grady and René Vidal, “Interactive Image Segmentation Via Minimization of Quadratic Energies on Directed Graphs”, Proc. of CVPR, 2008 PDF, BIB
- Ali Kemal Sinop and Leo Grady, “A Seeded Image Segmentation Framework Unifying Graph Cuts and Random Walker Which Yields A New Algorithm”, Proc. of ICCV, 2007 PDF, BIB, ICCV Talk (requires TeX4PPT to view equations)
- Ali Kemal Sinop and Leo Grady, “Uninitialized, Globally Optimal, Graph-Based Rectilinear Shape Segmentation – The Opposing Metrics Method”, Proc. of ICCV, 2007 (Poster presentation) PDF, BIB, ICCV Poster
- Leo Grady, Gareth Funka-Lea, “An Energy Minimization Approach to the Data Driven Editing of Presegmented Images/Volumes”, Proc. of MICCAI, vol. 2, 2006, pp. 888-895. PDF, BIB, Poster (PDF)
- Ali Kemal Sinop, Leo Grady, “Accurate Banded Graph Cut Segmentation of Thin Structures Using Laplacian Pyramids”, Proc. of MICCAI, vol. 2, 2006, pp. 896-903. PDF, BIB, Poster (PDF)
- Leo Grady, “Computing Exact Discrete Minimal Surfaces: Extending and Solving the Shortest Path Problem in 3D with Application to Segmentation”, Proc. of CVPR, vol. 1, 2006, pp. 69-78. PDF, BIB, Code (MATLAB)
- Leo Grady, “Fast, Quality, Segmentation of Large Volumes – Isoperimetric Distance Trees”, Proc. of ECCV, vol. 3, 2006, pp. 449-462. PDF, BIB, Poster (PDF)
- Daniel Cremers, Leo Grady, “Statistical Priors for Efficient Combinatorial Optimization via Graph Cuts”, Proc. of ECCV, vol. 3, 2006, pp. 263-274. PDF, BIB
- Leo Grady, Thomas Schiwietz, Shmuel Aharon, Rudiger Westermann, “Random Walks for Interactive Organ Segmentation in Two and Three Dimensions: Implementation and Validation”, Proc. of MICCAI, vol. 2, 2005, pp. 773-780. PDF, BIB, Poster (PDF)
- Herve Lombaert, Yiyong Sun, Leo Grady, Chenyang Xu “A Multilevel Banded Graph Cuts Method for Fast Image Segmentation”, Proc. of ICCV, vol. 1, 2005, pp. 259-265. PDF (link), BIB
- Leo Grady, “Multilabel Random Walker Image Segmentation Using Prior Models”, Proc. of CVPR, Vol. 1, pp. 763-770, 2005. PDF, BIB, Poster (PDF), Demo (html)
- Leo Grady and Eric L. Schwartz. “Faster graph-theoretic image processing via small-world and quadtree topologies.”Proc. of CVPR, pp. 360-365, 2004. PDF, BIB, Talk (PDF), MATLAB Code
Other conferences and technical reports
- Wei Li, Gianluca Paladini, Leo Grady, Timo Kohlberger, Vivek Singh, Claus Bahlmann, “Luggage Visualization and Virtual Unpacking”, Workshop at SIGGRAPH Asia, 2012. PDF
- Andrei Chekkoury, Parmeshwar Khurd, Jie Ni, Claus Bahlmann, Ali Kamen, Amar Patel, Leo Grady, Maneesh Singh, Martin Groher, Nassir Navab, Elizabeth Krupinski, Jeffrey Johnson, Anna Graham and Ronald Weinstein, “Automated Malignancy Detection in Breast Histopathological Images”, Proc. of SPIE 2012 (winner of Best Student Paper award). PDF
- Noha El-Zehiry and Leo Grady, “Vessel Segmentation using 3D Elastica Regularization”, Proc. of ISBI 2012. PDF
- Noha El-Zehiry and Leo Grady, “Discrete Optimization of the Multiphase Piecewise Constant Mumford-Shah Functional”, Proc. of EMMCVPR 2011, pp. 233-246. PDF, BIB
- Camille Couprie, Xavier Bresson, Laurent Najman, Hugues Talbot and Leo Grady, “Surface Reconstruction using Power Watershed”, Proc. of ISMM 2011. PDF, BIB, Code
- Camille Couprie, Hugues Talbot, Jean-Christophe Pesquet, Laurent Najman and Leo Grady, “Dual Constrained TV-Based Regularization”, Proc. of ICASSP 2011.
- Daniel S. Weller, Jonathan R. Polimeni, Leo Grady, Lawrence L. Wald, Elfar Adalsteinsson and Vivek K. Goyal, “Combined Compressed Sensing and Parallel MRI Compared for Uniform and Random Cartesian Undersampling of K-Space”, Proc. of ICASSP 2011.
- Parmeshwar Khurd, Leo Grady, Ali Kamen, Summer Gibbs-Strauss, Elizabeth M. Genega and John V. Frangioni, “Network Cycle Features: Application to Computer-Aided Gleason Grading of Prostate Cancer Histopathological Images”, Proc. of ISBI 2011. PDF, BIB
- Daniel S. Weller, Jonathan R. Polimeni, Leo Grady, Lawrence L. Wald, Elfar Adalsteinsson and Vivek K. Goyal, “Evaluating Sparsity Penalty Functions for Combined Compressed Sensing and Parallel MRI”, Proc. of ISBI 2011. PDF
- Sowmya Ramakrishnan, Christopher Alvino, Leo Grady and Atilla Kiraly, “Automatic Three-Dimensional Rib Centerline Extraction from CT Scans for Enhanced Visualization and Anatomical Context”, Proc. of SPIE 2011.
- Zihua Su, Xiang Deng, Christophe Chefd’hotel, Leo Grady, Jun Fei, Dong Zheng, Ning Chen and Xiaodong Xu, “Quantitative Evaluation of Six Graph Based Semi-Automatic Liver Tumor Segmentation Techniques Using Multiple Sets of Reference Segmentation”, Proc. of SPIE 2011.
- Noha El-Zehiry and Leo Grady, “Optimization of Weighted Curvature for Image Segmentation”, Preprint posted to arXiv. PDF
- Camille Couprie, Leo Grady, Laurent Najman and Hugues Talbot, “Anisotropic Diffusion using Power Watersheds”, Proc. of ICIP 2010. PDF
- Camille Couprie, Leo Grady, Laurent Najman and Hugues Talbot, “A New Image Segmentation Framework: Power Watersheds”, Proc. of the International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology 2009, pp. 53-55. PDF, BIB
- Marie-Pierre Jolly and Leo Grady, “3D General Lesion Segmentation in CT”, Proc. of ISBI, pp. 796-799, 2008. PDF, BIB
- Osman Bodur, Leo Grady, Arthur Stillman, Randolph Setser, Gareth Funka-Lea, Thomas O’Donnell, “Semi-Automatic Aortic Aneurysm Analysis”, in A. Manduca and X.P. Hu (Eds), Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging 2007: Physiology, function, and structure from medical images, 6511 PDF
- Leo Grady, Tolga Tasdizen “A Geometric Multigrid Approach to Solving the 2D Inhomogeneous Laplace Equation with Internal Dirichlet Boundary Conditions”, Proc. of ICIP, vol. 2, pp. 642-645, 2005. PDF, BIB, Poster (PDF)
- Leo Grady, Thomas Schiwietz, Shmuel Aharon , Rudiger Westermann, “Random Walks for Interactive Alpha-Matting”, Proc. of VIIP, pp. 423-429, 2005. PDF, BIB, Talk (PDF)
- Leo Grady and Gareth Funka-Lea, “Multi-Label Image Segmentation for Medical Applications Based on Graph-Theoretic Electrical Potentials”, in Proc. of the 8th ECCV04, Workshop on Computer Vision Approaches to Medical Image Analysis and Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis, pp. 230-245, 2004. PDF, BIB, Poster (PDF), MATLAB Code
- Leo Grady and Eric L. Schwartz, “The Graph Analysis Toolbox: A User’s Manual”, which serves as the user’s manual for the Graph Analysis Toolbox. Technical Report CAS/CNS-TR-03-021, Department of Cognitive and Neural Systems, Boston University, Boston, MA, Aug. 2003. PDF, BIB
- Leo Grady and Eric L. Schwartz, “Isoperimetric graph partitioning for data clustering and image segmentation, Technical Report, CAS/CNS-TR-03-015, Department of Cognitive and Neural Systems, Boston University, Boston, MA, July 2003. PDF, BIB
- Leo Grady and Eric L. Schwartz, “Anisotropic interpolation on graphs: The combinatorial Dirichlet problem”, Technical Report, CAS/CNS-TR-03-014, Department of Cognitive and Neural Systems, Boston University, Boston, MA, July 2003. PDF, BIB